Orthopedic and Sports Rehab

Not a runner? No problem at all! I'm genuinely pleased you're here. Dealing with pain that impacts your lifestyle or exercise routine can be immensely frustrating. But you don't have to endure it silently or adapt indefinitely. I'm here to offer support and guidance. Let's address your pain together and work towards a solution that helps you live life to the fullest.

  • Standard Physical Therapy Evaluation

    What to expect during your first day

    Detailed injury and training history: Your situation is unique. I will take time to listen to you to understand what’s going on, hear your thoughts and concerns, and gather information about your unique ecosystem. This will help me better understand your specific injury context and goals.

    Functional movement exam: Ensuring you can directly load through key regions and tissues is essential for me to understand how you move and help you get back to activities that are meaningful to you. The tests I will take you through may include, but are not limited to, single-leg balance, various squatting assessments, calf raises, and/or upper-body pushing, pulling, and stabilizing movements.

    Orthopedic exam: Assessing specific tissues to examine strength, flexibility, and joint mobility to understand where there may be any areas that move too much or too little, and how this compares to your uninvolved side.

    Review of findings: I will help you understand where your pain is coming from, the underlying causes of this area's pain, and why it isn't getting better.

    Tailored Plan: You will get a follow-up email recapping the session while outlining a plan to follow over the next few weeks with pictures and/or video hyperlinks and links to any necessary equipment. We will also discuss any appropriate training and technique modifications. You can also email between the initial consultation and follow-up session.

  • Physical Therapy Follow Up Treatment

    When you come back in after your initial evaluation, we will review your progress, check in on how your exercise program is going, how your running/training plan is going, and determine if you require progression, regression, or modification of the current plan.

    From there, you will undergo a one-on-one session that will help you advance towards your goals. While specific to each individual, sessions may include work on mobility, strength, neuromuscular control, and hands-on treatments. You will be supervised and given targeted cues to ensure your form is locked in and each intervention accomplishes the desired effect.

Schedule a FREE Pain and Performance Consultation!

What's Included
✔︎  Complete Training Program Review
✔︎  Function and Performance Screen
✔︎  Pain Assessment & Treatment Plan